Have You Cracked the Code of Online Donor Acquisition?

Don’t settle with running ads to acquire new email subscribers who never become donors.

Instead, use The Online Donor Acquisition Framework as your guide to creating campaigns that convert those subscribers into donors!

Have You Cracked the Code of Online Donor Acquisition?

Don’t settle with running ads to acquire new email subscribers who never become donors.

Instead, use The Online Donor Acquisition Framework as your guide to creating campaigns that convert those subscribers into donors!

The 7 Keys to Successful Online Donor Acquisition

1) A great front-end premium (lead magnet)

2) A strong connection between your lead magnet and mission

3) Clear value propositions for your lead magnet and mission

4) An immediate ask after giving a front-end premium

5) A solid measuring system to optimize your campaigns

6) An accurate tracking system to measure long-term results

7) A commitment to long-term donor cultivation

I’m a direct response digital marketer, specializing in online donor acquisition for nonprofit organizations. 

With 20 years’ experience in traditional fundraising and 10 years in digital, I can help you kick-start or advance your online fundraising program. My Online Donor Acquisition Framework includes the essential elements of creating and measuring effective campaigns. Use it as a roadmap for creating your own campaigns. Or contact me to help you implement it.

Get Your Free Copy of The Online Donor Acquisition Framework!

    I’m a direct response digital marketer, specializing in online donor acquisition for nonprofit organizations. 

    With 20 years’ experience in traditional fundraising and 10 years in digital, I can help you kick-start or advance your online fundraising program. My Online Donor Acquisition Framework includes the essential elements of creating and measuring effective campaigns. Use it as a roadmap for creating your own campaigns. Or contact me to help you implement it.

    How I Can Help with Your Digital Fundraising:

    • Acquiring new donors online
    • Creating funnels that generate instant giving
    • Optimizing your organization’s Value Proposition
    • Measuring the success of your campaigns
    • Creating action-oriented reports
    • Converting email subscribers into donors
    • Developing your website into an effective fundraising tool

    How I Can Help With Your Digital Fundraising:

    • Acquiring new donors online
    • Creating funnels that generate instant giving
    • Optimizing your organization’s Value Proposition
    • Measuring the success of your campaigns
    • Creating action-oriented reports
    • Converting email subscribers into donors
    • Developing your website into an effective fundraising tool


    “In the first year of implementation, Tony increased our new donor acquisition online by over 400%. I highly recommend him to any organization wanting to build or grow their digital acquisition.”
    John Martin
    Chief Advancement Officer, Human Life International
    “Mr. Mioni has been an indispensable asset and advisor in developing our visual brand, and has provided consistent, timely, thorough, and professional work in all of our marketing materials.”
    Sean Fitzpatrick
    Assistant Headmaster, Gregory the Great Academy

    Get Started by Downloading
    The Online Donor Acquisition Framework!

      Get Started by Downloading
      The Online Donor Acquisition Framework!